Prázdniny na Liptovskom dvore
Zbaľte kufre a svoje ratolesti a vyrazte za odmenu na zasnežený Liptov. Polročné či jarné prázdniny môžete stráviť oddychom v našom Relax centre, sánkovačkou na vedľajšom kopci či lyžovačkou v niektorom z okolitých lyžiarskych stredísk. Nemajte obavy, sánky vám požičiame. 😉 K tomu masáž a horúci drink na zahriatie či výlet do Lumagica Zookontakt pre celú rodinu a o zážitok máte postarané!
The package includes:
Accommodation in private chalet, equipped with two separate bedrooms, two bathrooms, cozy living room with fireplace and dining area right in the middle of nature
3-course served dinner (for persons aged 4 and over)
1x za pobyt
Warm metheglin to warm up adults, hot apple for children
Vstup do rozprávkového svetelného parku Lumagica Zookontakt pre každú osobu od 4 rokov (vstupy pre deti vo veku 3 rokov si môžete za zvýhodnenú cenu 10 € zakúpiť na našej recepcii)
Included free of charge:
10% discount on massages
Možnosť zakúpenia celodenného skipassu do lyžiarskeho strediska Ski Centrum Opalisko - Závažná Poruba za zvýhodnenú cenu s 20% zľavou
Free accommodation with breakfast for children up to 4 years (without bed)
Vstup do Relax centra na každý deň pobytu v čase jeho otváracích hodín
Squash, tennis and table tennis with equipment rental
Children's corner in the main building
New, secure and fast WiFi network in every chalet
Parking in the area
Liptov region card (card full of discounts on attractions within the Liptov region)
Benefits of direct booking through our website:
Loyalty credit for your next stay
More favourable cancellation conditions
Neskorší check-out do 11:00
Lowest price guarantee
Welcome drink
The final price depends on the number of persons and the specific date.
You can check the availability of dates and the final price in the booking system.
Further information
What our guests say
"Beautiful environment of Jánska valley. Accommodation and restaurant in folk style represents Liptov and the environment in which it is located. The silence is interrupted only by the wind in the treetops. The place is perfect for relaxation, holidays and family celebrations."
- Miroslav, via Google
"Great place, lovely accommodation, lovely staff, helpful all staff. Recommended!"
- Olga, via Facebook
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